Optimising processes / Planning

Information strategy

You're aware of how important data are in the operation and management of your properties. We work with you to develop a comprehensive information strategy with detailed specification of requirements and standards for recording, preparation, processing and documentation of information. This comprises property-, plant- and equipment-related data as well as commercial and user-related data. On this basis we then develop a CAFM strategy, BIM strategy and/or ERP strategy, depending on your specific brief.

  • Inventory of the existing system landscape and data structure
  • Detailed specification of information requirements
  • Detailed specification of technical and IT requirements
  • Definition of an information strategy and the associated objectives and measures
  • Detailed elaboration of the strategy with regard to CAFM, BIM and ERP systems
  • Drafting of a roll-out plan for implementation of the information strategy

These M.O.O.CON experts develop the right strategy to ensure you achieve your corporate goals.

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